Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wacky rules

Okay, so I have shared my "I can't BELIEVE I am saying this" list of rules with you. I'd love to hear some unusual rules that YOU have had to tell your kids. Come on, add your post and give us all a laugh.

One of my favorites is my dear friend Heidi's rule for her son, Ross: No roaring at adults. You see, he constantly pretends he is a dinosaur - a loud and angry one. It is so cute and alarming all in one. ;) Well, I really wasn't that scared when he charged me.

Kids are so unique. I am constantly amazed at the creativity of our Lord to give us all such awesome imaginations and wildly different interests even from a young age. The list of occupations that Javin has wanted to be is amazing to me. Log truck driver, Chef, Computer Programmer, Inventor, Scientist, Doctor, Pilot, Dog trainer, Teacher, Musician, Roller coaster designer, Restaurant owner (He has a name picked out already and I am not telling what it is.), Worship leader and the list goes on.

My STAR in the making, jamming on his drum!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Kailyn the Great!

Some days I think I should win a contest for the crazy rules imposed on my kids!
  • No licking people or dogs. Yuck!

  • No peeing in the yard, especially the front yard.

  • No screaming in the car.

  • No licking the candy and then putting it back.

  • No hitting the gas grill with a baseball bat.

This has been my latest rule list for Kailyn - Javin's list will follow later. She is so sweet and spunky all in one!

Cute Kailyn Quotes:
  • "When I get big, I'm gonna play scrapbooking." - said on the way to a baseball game.

When asked why she wasn't going to sleep, she said "There are dinosaurs on my back."

  • "The Bible says... Don't say 'butt'."
Here she is at the end of a long day of playing.

Friday, April 20, 2007

A chef, a haircut & mud boots

Javin is a master chef in the making. He loves to help cook and come up with creative recipes. He made "Jello Pudding" this week. He learned the recipe from Grandma Peck.

  • Make a box of red jello and a box of orange jello. Once they are hardened place chunks of jello in a big mixing bowl and add half a container of Cool Whip and stir. Javin likes it really smashed up so he mixes it until its fine. If you like bigger chunks don't stir it so much.

It was delicious and Great Grandma and Daughty Hershberger liked it too. We had them over for dinner and games the other night. It was a fun night.

Here is Kailyn with a new hairdo from Mom. I was having fun with my little girl's hair. She liked it.

Today was another milestone for Kailyn. She finally had her first haircut with the hairdresser. (I have trimmed it up now and then.) She sat so still and obediently held her head down. She had a big grin on her face when she was done. She is such a big girl these days!

These boots are tell tale signs that Spring has truly arrived at our house. The kids have been playing outside in their boots all the time now that the temperature is above freezing. Javin watches the thermometer and begs to go out as soon as it hits 50. No problem today, it's 68, and just wonderful outside. We went on a short bike ride down the road. I am either out of shape or Kailyn is heavier than last year (she rides on the back of my bike). My legs were burning by the time we got home.In case you are wondering what all that stuff is - it's a bank created by Javin. He announced one day this week that he was going to build a bank at the end of his driveway when he gets big. So this is his bank for now. Mimi, Javin and Kailyn are in line for the drive through.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Inside the Peck Family Scrapbook

Here a few pages from my scrapbooking weekend. I was working on our family album from 2005 - I have some catching up to do :) , so speed is one of my main goals.My most favorite product right now is the Everyday Power Palette. I created all my 18 pages with this pack of papers and stickers that all coordinate together. It eliminated the time I waste trying to decide what paper to use and find something that matches, etc... I am hooked on Power Palettes. If you want to know more about what I am talking about check out my Creative Memories web site.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Scrappin' the Night Away

I have been looking forward to to our Spring Overnighter Scrap Booking Workshop for months now. The day finally arrived this Saturday. I had a fun bunch of customers to scrap with, so the time just flew. It flew by so fast that I stayed up til after 6 am! I think it was the cappuccino from Java Jo's. I told them I needed caffeine. I guess they took me seriously! I wonder how many shots of espresso they added to my cup!! I was not tired all night! When it was all done, I ended up with 18 completed pages.

Ladies it was a fun weekend!
A huge thanks goes out to Mom and Dad Peck for coming up and taking care of Javin and Kailyn.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter pictures continued

A few more Easter pictures to share with you...
The freezing cold School Egg Hunt...

Cold, cold Easter

We had an unbelievably cold Easter weekend this year. On Saturday the kids were out at the school hunting for Easter eggs in 31 degree weather with snow flurries flying around them. They had a colorful time dyeing eggs later on. Javin got to try something new this year..he got to paint his Easter eggs. Less clothes, less mess!

Our family Easter lunch was held at Mom's house this year. Aunt Barbara and Uncle Donnie and their family joined us, along with Grandpa and Grandma Peck. It was a warm family time that I enjoyed very much. Javin had Aaron and Garrett thoroughly engaged in an imaginary battle of some kind. Kailyn entertained the girls with hide and seek and the like. The big egg hunt had to be held inside this year. The egg hiding job has now been delegated to Amanda and Emily. I am so blessed to be surrounded by family. What a gift from God that I probably take for granted.
At our Sunday service I helped with a little dramatization of a song that was performed. It was a very simple, small part. Pastor James called Saturday night and scared my socks off by asking me to share in front of the whole church, which was packed, on how the Resurrection has impacted me. A million excuses came to mind instantly and some of them were legitimate - I had a cough - hack, hack - I am not the public speaking type, and I was already helping with the song thing. But then I thought about what a great sacrifice my Lord made for me on the cross. He was willing to die for me, the least I could do is stand up and give a testimony of his power and love. And you know what, it actually went really smooth and I wasn't even nervous - thank you Jesus. Another step toward living a life totally focused on what He is calling me to do.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blogging...Something New

Welcome to A Day in the Life of Angie blog! I am going to give this blog thing a try and see how you all like to hear about my life. So click on the link below to send me your comments. Danielle says I just gotta blog every time I email her. So here ya go, girl.

A brief review before I begin. I am the mom of 2 precious children, Javin (6) and Kailyn (3) pictured here in their PJs last week. Seeing life through the eyes of your children is a wonderful privilege that we have been given. Javin is my inquisitive one. He wants to know how everything works and why. He very bright, imaginative and creative. Kailyn is the social queen who would love to rule the world, well at least our house. She loves to talk, sing, draw and make friends. We have a gray Pom-a-Poo (3/4 Poodle and 1/4 Pomeranian) dog named Molly whose biggest talent is jumping about 5 feet up in the air. God must have put springs in her feet. Then there is me, a single mom who loves lattes, flowers, roller coasters, scrap booking and bargain hunting.

The rest of our family has gone to be with Jesus already. My wonderful husband, Kevin, died almost 3 years now. Life has been filled with much sorrow as we have adjusted to this new way of life without Daddy. I am sure God designed a family to be led by a Dad and Mom on purpose! Our baby, Kian, is also up in heaven. It warms my heart to think of Kevin playing with Kian in heaven. Through it all, I have hope that God is good and that he is taking care of me. I have been blessed beyond measure in so many ways - I have a new house, I am financially taken care of, we are healthy (most of the time), I have a wonderful church and lots of friends and family who invest so much in our lives. God has been so faithful!

So check back for more entries as I get the hang of this.