Friday, July 10, 2009

Javin's 9

I am lagging way behind on blogging. So no one probaby checks this anyway. But for those who do, here's a little recap of Javin's birthday.

Top of Javin's list this year was going to Cedar Point. So instead of a party he got to take some friends to Cedar Point. Wow! What a day. Javin had a great time! A little overwhelming for the friends but they survived. We take coaster riding to the next level, I guess. Ride On! He is alredy planning Kailyn's next Cedar Point trip. We've got a great park for riding roller coasters, much better than Disney.

On his actual birthday we went to Columbus to see the fireworks at Red, White and Boom. That was a fun little outing, except for the parking mess.

The newest past time is riding his Rip Stick (and all the video and computer games). Check it out. It is a like a skateboard but rotates in the center.

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I'll try to add more later.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Little Fishy

Kailyn has been fishing around in the water for the past few weeks. She just loves swimming lessons.

She has perfected the underwater hand stand. Now to get some endurance going in her swimming and she will be all set.

She is doing great. She has jumped of the diving board a few times. Yesterday she practiced swimming in the deeper water without her floatation belt.

Way to go, girl!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Get Movin'

With springs arrival and Tae Kwon Do's completion, the search began for good exercise outlets for our family. One option was a basketball hoop for our driveway.

Last Saturday, Poppy and Marlin volunteered their muscles to dig the hole and cement the base of the pole into the ground. Thank you so much, guys! Javin was right there helping as well. He gave the post hole digger a new name: the tweezers!

Wednesday night Joel and Gary tackled the assembling of the adjustable backboard. They were so faithful and diligent about it. It was finally completed at 10:45 pm. Javin was right out there shooting some hoops in the dark!

We are looking forward to lots of fun and exercise around the hoop.

Speaking of exercise, Kailyn started another round of swimming lessons this month. She is doing good and enjoys being in the water. She was so proud that she was able to show another kid in the water how to do his swimming. So she is going straight to teaching it seems. Her swim teacher better watch out, Kailyn might steal her job.

And I have been swinging my hips at my Zumba exercise class. It is a blend of latin and hip hop dance moves that make for a good workout. I wish I could go to the class that Kelly helps teach but Berlin is so much closer, so I'll make do.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Awana awards

Javin is blasting away in the new program that our kids are doing at church. We starting Awana's last fall on Wednesday night. He has been memorizing Bible verses and the books of the
Bible. He doing great at it. He received a special award for completing his first book. It was quite an accomplishment. The program is awesome. I am so glad we are doing it. A big thanks goes out to all the wonderful helpers that make it successful.

Way to go, Javin. It been a BIG month for Javin. Here he is with his school friend, Michael, that he brought along to Awana.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blue Belt Javin

Tonight was Javin's big test to move up to his next level of Tae Kwon Do - from green to blue.

It was a long night of standing still and listening to instructions. And he did awesome! Here he is getting ready. He is quite flexible these days.

Here he is in fighting stance, listening to the commands he is to demonstrate(while mom flashes the camera at him). He has to be very focused and listen well. Good practice for Javin.

Then they spar or fight in pairs. Lastly, they break a board. He broke the board with a back kick.

My new blue belt champion!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kailyn's Special Day

Kailyn has been anticipating her birthday for most of last year, I think. She knew it was in January, so on January 1st she began asking if it was time for her birthday.

She had a special day filled with fun times. The day started out with breakfast in bed served by Javin and Mommy. Nothing says birthday like smiley face pancakes.

Add to that treat the excitement of having your friend here for a sleepover. Kailyn and Sarah just couldn't stop playing or talking for that matter until late the night before. They were so cute.

Kailyn was absolutely thrilled with her princess dress that came in the mail from Pampaw and Grandma in Florida. What a delight. She wore it the rest of the day and the next one too.

Mommy served birthday tea to the little princess as well. So it was a good day, followed by a birthday celebration at preschool too. The big party is on Saturday, so more news later.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What to do when it's freezing outside

Last weekend was a record cold snap for us. I had a low of -21 one night. Add more snow on top of what we already had and what do you get? 2 school snow days plus a Martin Luther King holiday weekend. That's 5 days off school. Snow days are great for sleeping in and lounging around the house, but that only lasts for so long. Then we get creative. Let's go for a swim! Yeah for indoor pools! Let's have a play date! Yeah for preschool friends and Aunties. Let's watch a movie. Yeah for Hotel for Dogs! And let's build a car in the living room.... huh? Checkout Javin's car demo below.

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