Thursday, November 15, 2007

The News...

I know you are all wondering where in world is Angie?? Ha! Well, I am still here...just a bit busy right now. I am so excited to be working on an awesome gift catalog project to benefit people in other countries. I'll tell ya more later. But it's gonna be great! And I am getting ready to head for the sun in Florida! WooHoo! Can't wait, but I got a lot to do before then.

Let's see, last weekend I packed my house out with new and old friends for a game night. It was awesome. I just love to have my house filled up with people who are talking and having a good time. There were so many people standing in my kitchen that you literally could not move. We had to pass the milk down the line to get it to the refrigerator! It really made me smile! Here's picture of the kids enjoying a movie.

This week Javin had his testing for Tae Kwon Do to advance to orange belt status. He seemed to do pretty well, but we don't find out the results until later. He was so pumped because he broke his first board with his fist! Now that's some power! Can you believe I forgot the camera!! But here is a picture of him in his sparring gear. Sparring is when they fight each other. What boy wouldn't love that, "legalized" fighting! Usually you get in trouble for this, right. He is pretty aggressive, now he needs to work on some strategies.

Kailyn is learning a new dance for ballet and enjoying that. And generally keeping very, very busy!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Clowning Around

The kids have been clowning around all week it seems. Kailyn has really taken an interest in dressing up. One day she was a lion, next a pirate, then a lady bug and then Tigger - you get the picture. Eugene and Joani brought Trick or Treating to our door. Does that count as Trick or Treating if the treat bearers come to YOUR door?

Our church had a Fall Festival that they got to get dressed up for. Javin looked delightful in his clown costume. Pants, shoes and shirt courtesy of Save and Serve. He loved having his face painted, although it was a bit itchy. He reminded me so much of Kevin and how he loved to clown around. They had a great time playing on the inflatables and doing all the fun kids stuff at church. Javin looked quite comical in his sumo wrestler outfit. They used a modified leaf blower to fill the suit up with air. It was a little too big for him and he fell over pretty easily. But he had fun any way.

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