Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snow much fun

Winter has begun in Ohio. We have had snow all day today and cold, snowy weather for the past week. However, it is too warm to stick, so there's not much to talk about but coldness. One day last week school was delayed for 2 hours, which prompted a sledding run for the kids. Even though there was barely enough snow to cover the ground, the sled did slide. Especially if you put the sled ON the slide, Javin discovered. I actually saw him exercise some caution and give the sled a test run without any passengers. It passed his standards and he hopped on for a fast ride down the slide.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kailyn's dream in life is to get married and be mommy. It is so amazing to see how God made us to with such a precious hope in life. She constantly talks about when she is a mommy and how many babies she is going to have and is fascinated with weddings. We scored a bride costume for her on the after Halloween sale rack. So cute.

Kailyn finished up her swimming lessons last week. She enjoyed swimming each week and improved her skills. She sure loves the water. Several weeks ago she overcame a big fear and jumped off the diving board in the deep end with her swimming belt on. Yeah for, Kailyn. Then on the last day of lessons she was really brave and took it off and jumped in. Way to go!

I seem to be short on pictures of Javin, maybe because he is always on the move. Here he is flying out of the jousting hut at the fall family festival. What a busy guy. He is taking drum lessons, which he loves. And he is finishing up his Tae Kwon Do commitment, which he is not as enthusiastic about anymore. A full year of lessons is a big commitment for a little guy. Well, he is not so little anymore. Did you know that his feet are almost the same size as mine??!! Okay... I have little feet, but he is only 8 years old. I can't imagine how big they will be one day!!

Here's a little video of Kailyn at swimming lessons. Don't mind the noodle battle going on the foreground. (The class was a bit out of control at times.)

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Monday, November 3, 2008

Flashes and Wheels

It seems that everyone is taking pictures this month. School, Preschool and Church. Javin seemed to have something against the camera though. Several of the pictures came out with some interesting faces. Sigh! This one turned out alright. The one from school he is not even looking at the camera.

The big excitement at our house has been getting a new car. What a long process! All in God's timing though. I had previously stated that I was going to get a CR-V. Well, that didn't work out. Then I was back to the drawing board to decide what I wanted to get. There are a lot of nice car out there these days. Making the desicion rather hard for me. I finally narrowed it down to the Nissan Murano. Then the hunt began to find a good used one with leather seats and low miles. My search took me as far as Texas and Minnesota on ebay. But I finally found one in Cuyahoga Falls that was just perfect for me. I am so loving this new car.

The other great news is that I had a buyer for my car even before I bought the new one. God's timing sure is great!

leaf piles

This year Molly joined in the leaf jumping fun. She was a crazy dog, tearing around in the leaves. The kids had fun with her, as long as they didn't get hurt. Which happened when speed dog crashed into sitting child.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Freeze

Last week was Kailyn's Preschool Field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and farm. In case you haven't heard, near winter weather has set in here in Ohio. So it was one frigid day for an outdoor event. I was wishing for my warm snow boots even though there was no snow. The kids had a good time despite the miserable cold. (I am such a complainer.)

They got to ride in a horse drawn wagon to the pumpkin patch and pick their pumpkin. Then tour the barn and see the pens and pens of goats and cows. The goats were very entertaining with all their jumping and tricks and trying to eat their coats. The young goats could jump on the momma's back and balance. The cow licked everything that came near him including your coat when you were least expecting it. Kailyn got to hold a 1 week old goat and bottle feed a pot belly pig with milk that she helped milk from a goat.
It was a very memorable trip for the kids, however my toes did not return to normal until late that afternoon.