Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blue Belt Javin

Tonight was Javin's big test to move up to his next level of Tae Kwon Do - from green to blue.

It was a long night of standing still and listening to instructions. And he did awesome! Here he is getting ready. He is quite flexible these days.

Here he is in fighting stance, listening to the commands he is to demonstrate(while mom flashes the camera at him). He has to be very focused and listen well. Good practice for Javin.

Then they spar or fight in pairs. Lastly, they break a board. He broke the board with a back kick.

My new blue belt champion!


Danielle said...

Congrats Javin! what an accomplishment

Joani Weaver said...

I'm guessing the last picture of Javin was supposed to look intimidating, but I think he looks so cute! I had to use it as my desktop picture. I guess I'm just a proud aunt JoJo! :)